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Dry Kiln Surveys

Lumber drying is a very important part of the manufacturing process. Due to the distinctive attributes of kiln drying many mills utilize the Dry Kiln Survey to focus on this area. Whether operating a continuous, conventional batch, or low temperature dry kiln SPIB staff has the expertise in dry kilns to provide critical insight into operational improvements. The service involves a thorough check of the mill's drying process from green stacking through the kiln and a check of the condition of the lumber following the kiln schedule.

A check of the temperature and air velocity through the s tacks is made independently of the kiln's instruments and recommendations are provided concerning mechanical aspects of the kiln such as calibration of controls, vent operation, fans, steam leaks, and distribution of heat within the kiln. The findings of the survey are discussed with mill management. A report is then issued providing all the data and a summary.

Dry Kiln Surveys

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